How do you protect your most valuable assets? Most would answer that question with a quick call to a residential alarm company, obtaining a residential alarm company’s state-of-the-art security system paired with 24/7/365 monitoring. Would this be the most effective or the most cost-effective strategy? They may even give you a free or a discounted system with a low monthly monitoring fee. A well-known alarm company is quoted as coining the phrase “WE’RE ALWAYS HOME.” This may simulate a true statement, however what they fail to state is it’s more than likely from a few 1,000 miles away. The reality is that an agent isn’t really standing in your front yard. If someone just gained access to your residence and your alarm goes off, would you agree, it’s unfortunately a LITTLE TO LATE. The fact is there are an estimated 2.5 million home burglaries reported in the United States annually. This is a break-in every 13 seconds. The misconception of home security systems is that they give proper notice or alarm of an incident. Currently, the security alarm industry is an estimated $75.5 billion-dollar income. The alarm industry is estimated to grow into a $100 billion-dollar industry by the year 2023. While most home alarms remain a cost-effective tool, they typically only provide a SENSE of security, and real-time notification of a bad situation. Can you imagine putting half of the $75.5 million dollars toward increased community policing? A real protector, a physical person standing in your front yard (like the commercials show), policing your neighborhood trained to observe, deter and report on suspicious activity and authorized to physically protect you and your most valuable asset(s). Community policing is proven to be a more effective and efficient tool to deter criminal activity. It however hasn’t always been the most affordable service available. Don’t just feel safer, be safer!
DAYTIME RESIDENTIAL BURGLARIES: There are an estimated 1.3 million incidents yearly
OVERNIGHT RESIDENTIAL BURGLARIES: There are an estimated 1.2 million incidents yearly
How can you cost effectively and most effectively deter crime against you and/or your residence? First, would you agree deterring a criminal from entering your neighborhood is more effective than just trying to deter them from kicking in your front door? An effective presence, a bridged communication between privately hired officers, police and residents completes this task. Our agency is for-hire providing this effective community policing service at an affordable monthly rate. For as little as $2 dollars per day, you can retain our services paired with your home security system, a real solution to a real problem that needs solving.
Our Agency employs and provides viable training of (PLEO) Private Law Enforcement Officers to effectively and efficiently complete these tasks. These officers provide similar presence and function as your local police department. TAPSKC Officers are honored to maintain law and order, preserve life and property for the clients that choose to hire us. The community-based policing philosophy and strategy help improve the quality of life within all communities. Statistics suggests that community safety and security improve considerably when individuals and communities collectively and proactively play a key role in defining their own security and safety needs.